

#19 2 DAY 'TIL X-MAS - Q & A | Blogmas

          Hi everyone :) You probably can't tell but it is not my day today really... feel a little bit melancholic today. If music could describe my mood that would be Ludovico Einuadi music, especially these song which where in soundtrack of Intouchables. Kinda sad, kinda calm, kinda not really wanting to laugh or soever. You know what I mean right? I think everyone does have those days sometimes and mine happend to be today. I felt it was coming, I hadn't have one for a really long time. Like, since summer. Okay but let's stop talking about my mood and let's do sth nice and fun.

          Today I've got some Q&A for you. If you're not addicted to the youtube videos (I mean yeah that's understandable if you haven't heard about them but if you already know... you know... go to the and watch some videos, it is really addictive, believe me x) you could not know what it is. So basically, Q&A stand for Questions and Answers; you guys asks me questions and I answer them all for you. Okay, so let's begin.

1. Dog or cat? And why?

Hmmm.. well, I own a dog, she is my second one now. And she is the same breed as the preview one. And I love her to pieces but I think that in the futer I will own a cat, not a dog. Sooo I'd say I love both dog and cat :>

2. What is the most valuable in your friends for you?

For sure I appreciate the most the fact that they are always beside me, the are honest with me and they won't laugh at me or my problems ever, ever, ever.
I think this is the most impostrant to me in my friends <3

3. What have inspired you in creating this blog? What would you like to achive here?

Wow, that's an interesting one. I think it is not a thing that inspired me, that were people. Mostly Zoe Sug (aka Zoella on youtube) but I also love Fleur and Louise, Lilly, Vivianne lots and lots of people. I thought that is amazing that they write about their life and things that they love and I always wanted to give it a go. And if someone would ever enjoy reading my blog as much as I do read their's then I'm compleate and super duper happy. I think that is the point of it.
Btw, I also thought of making a youtube account and start posting there, but I think my computer and editing skills are not good enough yet, and I thought that blogging would be a good thing to start with. And I really, really like doing this. I hope I won't ever stop doing this.

4. Do you want to be popular?

If I have to be honest with you few years ago, when I was in junior high school, that was what I were living for. That was my ultimate dream. Maybe not being in the centre of attention but I wanted people to like me. And back then I was so determined to achive that, that I did whatever "the cool group" wanted me to do, because I thought if I'd help them, they started to like me, and tell me their secret and invite me on different birthday parties or slumber parties, but it didn't happened. They were just taking advantage form me and I ended up crying at home and sometimes at school too. But at the end of my junior high school I started to talk to "less liked group" with which I am friend till now, and I love them o the moon and back.
The point of this story is not your pity for me, I was just "thinking out loud". I think this is not popularity want I wants. I want people to like me for who I am and if I need to change or do what others wats me to do then I don't want this. I just want a group of people who are as weird as me and would enjoy my company. Even in here, on blogspot, if someone would come here to hate me for what I'm doing then fu*k you, I'm super happy with those 2 people who comment my blog posts and the fact that they like what I'm doing and maybe me, is enough for really.
Wow, that was impressive, really deep, really long. Okay let's move on xd

5. If you could visit ever country of the world, where would you start and why there?

I think that I would start from Australia, for people who know me in person that was probably obvious, but yeah, I'm in love with this country, with Troye Sivan (australian youtuber) with their accent, with th nutare, monuments, beaches, oncean, people out there, and it is really really far away from my country and the tickets are super expesive so probably I won't ever afford to go there, but yeah, I'd start from there.

6.In your opinion practic or theory is more important?

I think it depends on the thing that we are speaking about but I would go for practic, cause it is not important if you know the rule or the formula if you understand it in your own away and can use it in a real life.

7. What do you think about alcohol and drugs? What's worse?

Okay, that is really deep too. I think that alcohol on a secial ocasions, parties and in small amounts is okay. Like on birthday, New Year's Eve etc. But if you act violent after alcohol or if it becomes your habit, like at least one shot per day, or one bottle of wine/champage, I think that is the moment when you stop drinking at all or ask for help. And I don't have an opinion on drugs, I think they are wose then alcohol, more addictive and I don't want to have any thing to do with it really.

8. Do you believe in friendship between woman and man? Do you know any example?

Yes, I acctualy believe, because I know some examples. For instant, 2 of my friens from high school, they wouldn't ever consider a ralationship but they are such a good friends. Same with for example youtubers. Well I don't know them in person but you can see f.ex. Joey and Zoe they are not in a relationship and they are good friends. And of course every girl/woman loves gay friend. I know this is not excatly the same but still. For example Troye and Zoe or Tyler and Zoe (again youtubers, you should check them out xd)

9. Show me a picture of your dog.

Here is my doggy and her puppies. She's called Daisy <3

10. What is your favorite thing to do in a free time?

It will probably sound like everyone's answer but I love spend time with my friend, watch my fav tv shows, read some books and of course youtube marathos are my guilty pleasure. I can sit an watch those videos literally all night.

11. Which youtubers do you watch?

Huhuhu I was waiting for it <3 I watch soooo many youtubers. Omg but I'll try to write here all of them, so here we go:

  1. Zoella
  2. MissGlamorazzi
  3. EssieButton
  4. Mylifeaseva
  5. BeyondBeautyStar
  6. Tanya Burr
  7. MyHarto
  8. Daily Grace
  9. Gabby
  10. MacBarbie07
  11. StilaBabe09
  12. SprikleofGlitter
  13. Michelle Phan
  14. Mamrie Hart
  15. PsychoSoprano
  16. Mirnada Sings
  17. Jenna Marbels
  18. Fleur de Force
  19. LadySmart
  20. MakeupByMandy
  21. LucyAndLydia
  22. HelloOctoberxo


1.Troye Sivan
2.Tyler Oakley
3.Pointless Blog
4.Marcus Butler
5.Connor Franta 
6.Caspar Lee
7.Thatcher Joe
8.Jim Chapman
9.Jacks Gap
11.Joey Graceffa

12. Why did you choose philology romanesque?

I have learnt french for three years in high school and it was quite intensive and I love this langues + I want to be stweardesse in fure so that woul probably help me + I want to live in the UK in future so I think it would be good to be transtalor/ interpreter in the UK, and yeaaah...

13. What are your top 5 favorite movies?

Five? Only five? who am i supposed to do just top 5? okay I'll try. I love Green Mile, Titanic, Grease, Intouchable and Notting Hill the most.But also I love Flower of Dessert and The Fault in Our Stars. (but then comes Harry Potter saga and Pirates of Carabbien saga and Step up saga)

14. What do you eat for breakfast? 

Ummm you know, it changes but usually I go for an apple or other fruit or just natural yoghurt with honey, some musli and banana :>

          Okay so that is it for today's post. That was Blogmas day 5 probably. I hope you enjoyed it if you did them leave me some more questions in the comments or in the "your questions" section on top of the page. I love you guys all sooo much and I will see you tomorrow with another blogmas post. 

Lots of love xoxo


  1. Odpowiedzi cudowne! :D
    I Daisy !! <3 weee....! :D
    Kochana :D
    Podoba mi się ten pomysł z Q&A oby było więcej takich pytań i odpowiedzi! :D
    Pozdrawiam :D

  2. i literally loved this note! this q&a was amazing haha and i could learn more about you. and your dog is just so adorable! waiting for mooore. love you x.
