

#16 5 DAYS 'TIL X-MAS - DIY Christmas Cards | Blogmas

          Hello guys! How are you today? I am personally really excited and happy that I can fianly breath easily, because the winter break has just started <3.
          Okay, but back to the topic, welcome back to my blog. I'm here today with the Blogmas Day 2 and as I said yesterday, we're about to get a little bit crafty. I don't really know who it is going to end up but I promise,  that I will try my very best for y'all and for people, that I'm gonna send those cards :) I think they're going to appreciate it anyways and I'm sure that if any of you would do sth like this for someone for christmas they're going to fall in love with it. Not only because it will look amazing but also, because of the fact that they can see, you actually put some effort in making a present for them :>
            Okay, so today I'm gonna show you 3 different ways how to make your christmas card look really cute and festive :>

Things you will need:

you will need also some sheets of lighter green paper and yellow to make a star
Tbh I haven't had a lighter green paper so I took just regular white one and coloured it with light green oil pastel :>

for bigger and more fancy buttons I would recommend using hot glue. It has a better staying power then sellotape

alternativaly you can also use some chalk

1) Colorful Fairy Lights

draw a fairy light shape and then cut it out

draw a contour of your fairy light with the colours of your choice
Small tip: it would look way more pretty on a black paper but I didn't have one

sorry for the shitty quality but my camera went crazy a few time when I was tring to take a picture of each step.

smudge the contour with your finger

2) Button Baubles

3) Striped Christmas Tree
okay so this card is a little bit more complicated
you need to cut out 2 dark green strips and one lighter green(11x0,5 cm each)
then 2 lighter green strips and one dark green (9x0,5 cm each) 
next there are to darker green sprips and one lighter (7x05 cm each)
and then 2 strpis one darker and one lighter (5x0,5 cm each)
and then 2 darker green strips and 2 lighter ones (3x0,5 cm each)
and last but not least 2 lighter green strips and one darker green (1,5x05 cm) and 1x1 cm square for a star
[I hope you understood it some how]

that little "wooden" black thing underneath the christmas tree I just draw with black sharpie

So that's all for today,I'm kinda proud of my self you know? It actually looks nice. I think that the Fairy Lights one is my favorite. And how about you guys? Which one would you like to get or give somebody? Tell me in the comments. I hope you found it helpful and that I inspired you in some way. For tomorrow's post I plan some nail art, winter themed of course, so stay tuned.

Lots of love xoxo

Let me know in the comments what do you think about this kind of post and if you'd like to see more :>. Don't forget about rating this note by cliking one of those little boxes underneath the post. And wow I don't know what else should I write, I think this time it will be shorter xD Okay guys, see you tomorrow. I love you all very, very much ;333


  1. Kartki świąteczne są cudowne! :D
    Z chęcią bym również takie zrobiła, a nawet troszku inne ! :D
    Może za rok spotkamy się i zrobimy parę razem? :)
    Było by bardzo fajnie :D
    Bardzo ładne kolory ^^ no i guziczki :D Sweet :P
    Jestem ciekawa komu podarujesz te kartki świąteczne! :D
    Pozdrawiam i całuje <3

  2. I didn't know you're that talented! this one with buttons is absolutely amazing. i adore it ha. and i just love diy videos/notes, it's just so heartwarming that people want to do something for other people by their own hands! i don't know who are this cards for, but they should feel really lucky. i'm waiting for more diy notes! love youuu x.
