

#41 My Future Holiday Destinations | BLOGIDAYS ♥

          Hi people of the internet! How are you? So as you probably already know I like to do lists of different kind of things/ activities to do and stuff. Well today I've got another list of things for you. It's my Holiday Destinations Bucket List. It is just so much easier to remember about things when I made a list out of it. It maybe just me, or working just for me but I fairly enjoy making list so I will continue to do ones.

So here we go:


1. Ireland
2. Scotland
3. Wales
4. Spain (Barcelona, Madrit, Sevilla)
5. Portugal
6. Malta
7. Corsica
8. Sicily
9. France (Paris, Marseille, Cannes, St Tropez, Nice, Touluse, Monaco)
10. Greece (Santorini, Mykos, Athens)
11. The Czech Republic (Praga)
12. Belgium (Brussel)
13. Luxembourg
14. Russia (Mascow, St Petersbourg)
15. Italy (Milan, Florence, Piza)


16. Australia (Sydney, Perth)
17. China
18. Bora Bora
19. Hawaii
20. USA (NYC, Florida, New Orleans, California)
21. Mexico
22. Canada
23. Brasil (Rio)
24. Mauritius
25. Seychelles

So, so far this is it. Quite a lot and most of them pretty impossible but I'm gonna do my best and try and explore each of those above. Hopefully it will work out in the end. That would be amazing if it did.

Okey so tell me in the comments where would you like to go on holiday the most, you can write one the is your absolute must or a couple if you also have your own travel bucket list :>
See you in the next post 

Lots of love xoxo


#40 Holiday Check List (things to pack) | BLOGIDAYS ♥

          ENG: So, hi guys, how you doin'? Good? I hope so x For me today was such a nice day I met my friends in the city and booked my holidays in France, I picked up my FCE certificate (I got Grade B, two more points and I would get an A, that's just my luck xd) I was in starbucks and tried their new summer  frappucino drink which was called "Caramel Jelly Frappucino" I guess I can't remember the exact name of but it was certainly the weirdest thing that I've ever tried and then I met my two friends when I came back from the city. I loved it :) (I mean this day xD)

So today I thought that I'll do a Check list, to make sure that I won't forget anything for my trip to London in 5 days.



  • 4 pairs of knicker
  • Comfy shoes
  • TRXYE jumpsuit for plane
  • Pijamas/ baggy t-shirt and shorts
  • Denim shorts
  • Dress/ playsuit
  • Floral leggins
  • Black tank top
  • Striped tank top
  • T - shirt
  • Flip flop under the shower (just in case)
  • Cardigan


  • Brush
  • Deodorant(mini one)
  • Hair spray (mini one)
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Makeup Bag
  • Razors
  • Shampoo, conditioner (depoted into 100 ml container)
  • Sunscreen (depoted into100 ml container)
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste (mini one)
  • Plasters
  • Makeup brushes
  • Tissues
  • Sponge
  • 9 cotton pads
  • Micellar water (depoted into 100 ml container)
  • Shower gel
  • Hair band and hair grips


  • Glasses
  • Sunglasses (1 or 2 pairs)
  • Handbag


  • Camera
  • Chargers (phone, Macbook)
  • Headphones
  • Phone
  • Book
  • Sudoku or sth
  • MacBook


  • Cash
  • Maps and directions
  • Printouts of reservations
  • Boarding Passes
  • Passport (just in case)
  • ID
  • Uni ID
  • Water
  • Food
  • Magazine

This may seem to you like a hella lot of stuff to pack for 4 days (it seems to me as well tbh) but I think I will fit it in somehow. Although I'n not taking a suitcase, just a carry on bag, I still believe in my packing master pro skills so keep yours fingers crossed. 

And if you think that I missed sth really super important on that list then let me know in the comments, if you'd like I'm willing to make a "What's in My Travel Make Up" post for you, just let me know in the comments if you'd like one. You can also write 5 things that are the must haves for every flight. See you in the next post.


Lots of love xoxo


#38 I ♥ Summer Tag | BLOGIDAYS ♥

          ENG: Sorry everyone for the delay. But I just had some problems with my dog and then I haven't got Internet for the whole day and yesterday I was at my nan and there isn't neither service on the phone nor internet so I will upload 2 notes today and 2 tomorrow. I hope you don't mind that much.

So today I have another tag for you, more summery related. This is the "I heart summer tag" as you can probably tell by the title of this post. So lets begin with the questions, shall we?


The Questions:

1. Favorite bronzer for summer?

My favourtie brozner for the summer will have to be the Chocolate bronzer from Bourjois. I think it's great for summer, it has a teeny tiney shimmer in it so it looks goergous on your skin with the sun light and it smells soooooo good, oh my god this is so far my favourite smell that any beauty product ever has. Amazing

2. You're relaxing in a hammock, on a tropical island. What are you sipping on? (Favorite summer drink)

My favourite summer drink would probably be a Mojito, or Virgin Mojito (this one does not contains alcohol). I don't know but it became a tradition now, everytime I see my old friends and we go to some restaurant to drink sth and just talk, I order Mohito. it is just so refreshing and summery tasting to me I don't know why.

3. Favorite summer lip product?

I don't know if it's just me but I really like tinted lip balms or sheer lipsticks for summer, for like everyday look. So far my favourite one is from Maybelline Baby Lips in " Cherry Me". I love the smell, price, packaging, and the colour pay off. It's so great.

4. Pool or Beach?

Hmmm... that's a hard question, I love pool and beach as well but I think even though I have sunbathing and too much Sun in general I prefer beach because it's more summery for me, it has its own charm and I love swimming in a really clear see like for example in Croatia, my fav place to go on holiday ever <3

5. Summer = crazy hair! What's your must-have styling product?

For me the must-have styling product is probably Sea Salt Spray from Tony & Guy. I love this thing cause it smells amazing and it creates the best beachy waves every, I love it so much. You just need to spray it directly on to your hair and just squash it with your hands and you're done.

6. Sun bathing or fake tan?

As I said earlier I hate sunbathing but I also never fake tanned before but I hope to try it this year for the first time so stay tuned cause I'm planning a post about it later on. 

7. Favorite summer nail polish?

For summer I love painting my nails with fluorecent nail varnishes. I think that they are just so summery, fun and compliment my slightly tanned skin really, really well.

8. Any summer traditions?

I don't really have any summer traditions. I love when we go to my nan and when I do a bonfire with my friend and then we sleep in a tent behind the house in the garden. That's my fav things to do in Summer but even though they are not a tradtions yet I think I will start to do sth in this direction, to make it traditions.

9. Favorite summer scent?

For summer I love body mists instead of perfumes casue they are just so light weight and fresh and summery for me. My favourite one for now it probably Pink Summer Daze body mist from Victoria Secret. And let's put it out there, I am really fusy with scents, it is really hard for me to pick a scent that I would enjoy for a long time so yeah...Try that one :P

10. Favorite BBQ food?

I love when my mum does those sandwiches with butter, oil of olives and so kind of spices and grill it. It's just the best snack to have with every meat from BBQ for me, you have to try and do it yourself, it's delicious.
11. What's your favorite summer-proof product?

No don't think I have one, just quiet yet, but we have 2 and a half months of holidays haven't we? I'm sure that I'm gonna find sth special.
12. Any summer vacation plans this year? No plans? Tell us about your dream summer trip!

Okay, so for this summer vacation/holidays I have planned so far that I'm going to London on Monday 20th of July and then I will probably stay at my nan's for about 4 days or sth like that and in August I'd like to work for a bit and then in September I'm going with my uni friends to France (Marseille and Paris) for 10 days so I just can't wait already <3


So that is it. I hope you liked it and that you find that helpful or inspiring and I'd love to see some of your answers so be sure to leave them in the comments and see you in the next post


Lots of love xoxo


#37 Summer To - Do List 2015 | BLOGIDAYS ♥

Hi there again x Is the weather as crazy as it is in my village? Because I personally am melting down and it's almost 8 pm now. I hate when there is so much sun, for me it's unbearable but yeah... anyway, today I have my summer to do list for you. It's just a couple of thing that I would want to do this year through out the summer, just to feel like I didn't waste that time being to lazy or sth xD

PL: Cześć wam x Czy u was pogoda też jest taka szalona jak w mojej wsi? Ponieważ ja osobiście się topię a jest prawie 20.00 teraz. Nie znoszę kiedy tak bardzo świeci słońce, dla mnie to jest już nie do zniesienia, no ale okej... w każdym razie, dzisiaj mam dla was moja listę rzeczy do zrobienia w te wakacje. To tylko parę rzeczy które chciałabym osiągnąć, zrobić w te wakacje, żeby nie czuć że je zmarnowałam swoim lenistwem czy coś xD
1. Go to London

2. Accomplish my Blogidays

3. Learn playing a proper 3;30 minutes long song on keyboard

4. Go out more often

5. Read at least 6 books

6. Find a summer job

7. Go to France in September

8. Do a bonfire with my friends

9. Go on a party

10. Stay out and look at the stars

11. Go to the cinema

12. Have an overnight movie marathon (Lord of the rings, Harry Potter, Disney and  Musicals, Sherlock (BBC))

13. Go to the zoo

14. Go backyard camping

15. Make my own milkshake

16. Say yes to everything for one day

17. Get  a piercing somewhere

18. Go on a shopping spree

19. Catch up on The Vampire Dairies, The Originals, Skins (UK version) and How I Met Your Mother

20. Drive to the city by car

21. Buy some new shades (aviator prefelably)

22. Write a letter to my future self and open it in 10 years time

1. Pojechać do Londynu
2. Skończyć Blogidays 
3. Nauczyć się grać na keyboardzie całej, długiej piosenki, która trwa przynajmniej 3:30 min
4. Wychodzić gdzieś na miasto / ze znajomymi częściej
5. Przeczytać przynajmniej 6 książek
6. Znaleźć pracę na wakacje 
7. Pojechać do Francji we wrześniu
8. Zrobić sobie ognisko z przyjaciółmi
9. Pójść na jakąś imprezkę
10. Zostać na noc na polu i obserwować gwiazdy
11. Pójść do kina
12. Zrobić sobie nocny maraton (Harry Potter, Władca Pierścieni, bajki Disney'a, musicale, Sherlock (serial BBC))
13. Pójść do ZOO
14. Zrobić sobie biwak za domem
15. Zrobić sobie takiego swojego, własnoręcznie robionego milkshake'a
16. Mówić tak na wszystko, przez jeden dzień
17. Zrobić sobie kolczyka gdzieś 
18. Zrobić sobie taki szał zakupów
19. Nadrobić wszystkie odcinki zaległe Pamiętników Wampirów, The Originals, Skins i Jak poznałem waszą matkę
20. Pojechać samochodem do miasta
21. Kupić sobie jakieś nowe okularki przeciw słoneczne (najlepiej gdyby to były awiatorki)
22. Napisać list do "siebie z przyszłości" i otworzyć go za 10 lat

Yeah, so that is it, I know it is not a crazy amout of things but I realise that if I get a job in August then I won't have as much time to do anything beside it.
Write down in a comment section what would you like to do this summer, or just more or less your plans for this holidays. See you in 2 days x

Taaak, więc to byłoby na tyle wiem, że nie jest jakoś mega dużo tych rzeczy ale zdaję sobie też sprawę z tego, że jeśli dostanę pracę w Sierpniu to nie będę miała zbyt dużo czasu na coś poza nią
Napiszcie mi w komentarzach co wy chcielibyście zrobić w to lato lub mniej więcej wasze plany na wakacje. Do zobaczonka za 2 dni x

Lots of love xoxo


#36 My "Fit Summer" Plan | BLOGIDAYS ♥

Hi guys! How are you today? I've been having the most lazy and relaxing days of my life for a couple of days. The weather has been really nice, and summery and although I'm not a huge fan of the Sun I kinda enjoyed them recently.

PL: Cześć wszystkim! Jak się macie dzisiaj? Ja miałam najbardziej leniwe i relaksujące dni w moim życiu. Pogoda była naprawdę fajna i taka letnia i pomimo tego, że nie jestem wielką fanką słońca nawet mi się podobały ostatnio.

So today, as you can probably tell from the title I have my fit summer plan for you. So... let's be honest, I put on weight a couple of pounds recently so I thought that I would go on a diet, for summer, just for being healthier, rocking my bikini in September and just looking a little better.

Więc dzisiaj, czego pewnie możecie się domyślić  przez tytuł notki, mam dla was wakacyjny fit plan. No więc powiedzmy sobie szczerze, troszkę przytyłam ostatnio więc pomyślałam, że przejdę na małą dietę w to lato, aby być troszkę zdrowszą, rządzić w moim bikini we wrześniu na plaży i żeby poprostu wyglądać trochę lepiej.

So here I have some rules that I made and will try to follow through out the summer

Tak więc, tutaj mam parę zasad które stworzyłam i których spróbuję sie trzymać przez te wakacje

1. Drink lots of water

2. Eat a lot of fruits ( because I'm not a huge fan of veggies)

3. I will take up a yoga lessons or just try sth from yoga at home (you know by youtube videos and different sites) and I want to take it at least once a week

4. Run ( I want to run with my mum who is a "sporty freak" about every other day)

5. My last meal I will take at 8 pm

6. Cut down on sweets and fast food (cause it just spined out of control really xD)

1.Pić dużo wody
2. Jeść dużo owoców (bo nie przepadam aż tak za warzywami)
3. Zapisać się na zajęcia z jogi albo spróbować jogi w domu (no wiecie są przecież filmiki na youtube na pewno na ten temat i jakieś stronki na internecie)
4. Biegać ( Chciałabym zacząć biegać z moją mamą która jest mega wielką "fanką" sportu, przynajmniej co drugi dzień)
5.Chcę jeść ostatni posiłek w ciągu dnia o 20.00
6. Ograniczyć słodycze i fast foody (bo to już się wymknęło spod kontroli xD)

So that was it, I hope it will turn out well, keep your fingers crossed, and I will write another blogidays note on Sunday I guess. See you then. Byeeeee :*

Więc to wszystko na dzisiaj, mam nadzieję że wszystko wyjdzie okej. Trzymajcie kciuki. Napiszę kolejną Blogidays'ową notkę w niedziele z tego co mi się wydaję. Więc do zobaczenia wtedy. Paaaa :*

P.S. By the way, how do you feel about that smaller font? I'm not quiet sure about that. Tell me in the comments what do you think :)

P.S. Tak poza tym co myślicie o tej mniejszej czcionce? nie jestem do końca pewna co do niej. Powiedzcie mi w komentarzach co sądzicie :)

Lots of love xoxo


#35 Feet Care Routine | BLOGIDAYS ♥

Hi guys, so I think that everyone is aware of the fact that summer is here *woop woop, happy dance* So, I can finally start some new series on this blog that I came up with, when I was writing Blogmas, BLOGIDAYS, I'm excited, not gonna lie :) So every other day, during July and August a new blog post, holiday related will appear here, so you're gonna get 31 new blog posts this summer yaaaay :>

PL: Cześć wszystkim, więc myślę że wszyscy są świadomi tego, że lato jest już z nami *woop woop, taniec szczęścia* Więc mogę oficjalnie rozpocząć nową serie notek na moim blogu na którą wpadłam pisząc Blogmas, mianowicie BLOGIDAYS!, jestem podekscytowana, nie będę was oszukiwać.
Tak więc co drugi dzień przez cały lipiec i sierpień nowa notka, jakoś związana z wakacjami tutaj się pojawi. Więc powinno być tutaj 31 nowych notek przez to lato, yaaay :>

So here comes the first one. Summer is the time when you can finally show your feet off to everybody after a long winter. So here I give you my own feet care routine, because I don't find much of these kind of videos on YouTube and stuff and I think that having your feet in a good condition is as important as having your hair or face in a good condition. Am I right or am I right?

Więc oto pierwsza. Lato to ta pora roku w której możecie w końcu pokazywać wszystkim swoje stópki po długiej zimie. Więc macie dziś ode mnie moją własną sesję pielęgnacyjną stóp, ponieważ nie ma zbyt dużo filmików na akurat ten konkretny temat na YouTube i tak dalej a ja osobiście uważam że posiadanie stóp w dobrym stanie jest tak samo ważne jak piękne włosy czy cera. Mam rację czy mam rację?

Step 1

Soak your feet in a warm water with bath salt for about 15 minutes, that will make you cuticules softer and easier to remove from your toes.

Step 2

Cut you toe nails and remove cuticules

Step 3 

Massage in a feet cream that removes dead skin (if you have one it is not obligatory)

Step 4

Use a milling machine for feet or just a reguler pumice to make you feet look nice, and then shower them with water

Step 5

Dry your feet with a towel and paint your toe nails

Step 6

Apply a feet or just a body moisturizer (really rich though)

Krok 1
Namoczcie sobie stopy w ciepłej wodzie z solą do kąpieli przez około 15 minut tak aby zmiękły wam skórki i paznokcie i były tym samym łatwiejsze do usunięcia
Krok 2
Obetnijcie sobie paznokcie i skórki
*Krok 3
Wmasujcie krem do stóp złuszczający martwy naskórek (jeśli taki macie, to nie jest konieczne)
Krok 4
Użyjcie frezarki do stóp albo równie dobrze sprawdzi się pumeks aby zedrzeć martwy naskórek i sprawić że wasze stopy będą wyglądały super a później przepłuczcie je wodą
Krok 5
Wysuszcie swoje stopy ręcznikiem i pomalujcie swoje paznokcie 
Krok 6
Posmarujcie krem do stóp lub do ciała (bardzo gęsty i taki jakby bogaty w różne minerały bo skóra na stopach jest naprawdę gruba)

And that is it, your feet are all nice and lovely and you can rock now your favourite sandals or flip flops on your holiday. I hope it helped you somehow. Tell me what you think about this post and stay tuned for a next note the day after tomorrow.

I to by było na tyle, wasze stopy są teraz piękne i zadbane i możecie śmiało śmigać w waszych ulubionych sandałkach lub japonkach na waszych wakacjach. Mam nadzieję, że pomogło wam to w jakiś sposób. Powiedzcie mi co myślicie o tej notce w komentarzach i czekajcie na kolejny post pojutrze.

Lots of love xoxo