

#41 My Future Holiday Destinations | BLOGIDAYS ♥

          Hi people of the internet! How are you? So as you probably already know I like to do lists of different kind of things/ activities to do and stuff. Well today I've got another list of things for you. It's my Holiday Destinations Bucket List. It is just so much easier to remember about things when I made a list out of it. It maybe just me, or working just for me but I fairly enjoy making list so I will continue to do ones.

So here we go:


1. Ireland
2. Scotland
3. Wales
4. Spain (Barcelona, Madrit, Sevilla)
5. Portugal
6. Malta
7. Corsica
8. Sicily
9. France (Paris, Marseille, Cannes, St Tropez, Nice, Touluse, Monaco)
10. Greece (Santorini, Mykos, Athens)
11. The Czech Republic (Praga)
12. Belgium (Brussel)
13. Luxembourg
14. Russia (Mascow, St Petersbourg)
15. Italy (Milan, Florence, Piza)


16. Australia (Sydney, Perth)
17. China
18. Bora Bora
19. Hawaii
20. USA (NYC, Florida, New Orleans, California)
21. Mexico
22. Canada
23. Brasil (Rio)
24. Mauritius
25. Seychelles

So, so far this is it. Quite a lot and most of them pretty impossible but I'm gonna do my best and try and explore each of those above. Hopefully it will work out in the end. That would be amazing if it did.

Okey so tell me in the comments where would you like to go on holiday the most, you can write one the is your absolute must or a couple if you also have your own travel bucket list :>
See you in the next post 

Lots of love xoxo

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